

The doMynation framework encourages modularity. Modules are the pillars of your app, and each of them represent a logical group of related concepts. For instance, in a large system, you could have dozens of modules, each of which specializing in one area in particular (e.g. accounting, sales, customer service, etc).

Every application using the doMynation framework must have at least one module. A module is where you register the following 4 foundational components:

  1. Dependencies

  2. Routes

  3. Templates

  4. Event listeners

Creating a Module

All module must extend the Domynation\Core\Module class and implement the following methods:

final class MyModule extends Module
    public function registerContainerDefinitions(): array;

    public function registerRoutes(RouterInterface $router): void;

    public function registerViews(ViewFactoryInterface $view): void;

    public function registerListeners(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void;

Registering Dependencies

The registerContainerDefinitions method is used to define and register your dependencies to be used via dependency injection throughout your app. Each definition is a key-value pair where the key is a class name, and the value is a closure that constructs and returns an instance of said class.

Note: Each closure is container-aware, meaning you can inject previously-registered dependencies into them to facilitate the creation of complex objects.

public function registerContainerDefinitions(): array
    return [
        MyDependencyA::class => function () {
            return new MyDependencyA(123, "Banana");

        MyService::class => function (MyDependencyA $depA) {
            return new MyService($depA, "Tomato");

        // ...

Registering Routes

The registerRoutes method is used to define your routes. See the Routing section for an in-depth explanation on how to create routes.

public function registerRoutes(RouterInterface $router): void
    $router->get('/', function () {
        return "Welcome home!";

Registering Templates

The registerViews method is where you configure your templates for a given module. See the Templating section for more details.

public function registerViews(ViewFactoryInterface $view): void
    $view->addNamespace('/modules/invoices', 'invoices');

    $view->addFunction('now', function () {
        return (new DateTime)->format("Y-m-d");

Registering Event Listeners

The registerListeners method is used to register listeners for particular events. See the Eventing section for more details.

public function registerListeners(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void
    $dispatcher->listen(MyEvent::class, function (MyEvent $event) {
        // do something when this event is fired

Booting the Module

Each module can optionally define a boot() method used to boot the module. This method is container-aware, which means you can pull all the necessary dependencies to boot your module.

public function boot(UserInterface $user, MyDependencyA $depA): void
    // Lookup some database record ...


    // Some other booting operation ...

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